Mental health for all.


As we mark World Mental Health Day, this year’s theme reminds us all of the importance of our mental health.

All of us will have thought about our mental health this year. For those directly affected by COVID-19, there will undoubtedly be mental health consequences; and we will find out in the months ahead the indirect psychological consequences of the vital lockdown measures.

Across the world, close to 1 billion people are living with a mental health disorder.

Access to effective mental health treatment should be available to everyone. 

At Oxford VR, we are proud to be involved in this conversation. We are committed to developing evidence-based, cost-effective and scalable solutions that build mental healthcare capacity using cutting-edge VR technology.

Today we support the World Health Organisation’s call on World Mental Health Day for a large scale-up in investment in mental health.

This year we celebrate the people, services and advocates for mental health and the pioneering solutions changing the mental health landscape.